Monday, June 23, 2008

You will be remembered...

The passing of a friend, a loved one, or even a celebrity that you had respect for... Is never a good thing. Last night I lost an old family friend, and a revered comic. Two seperate people, the same night... You will both be remembered.

John, You were a guiding light as I grew up. You helped teach me the sides of right and wrong, the laughter that can be seen in the world.

George Carlin, I may have never knew you personally, but your words brought smiles to my face and opened my mind to think outside of the box.

It is a hard time to accept when the time of a friend has come, but let us all remember the marks that they left while they were here. Remember the impact they had on your life as you grew...

Rest In Peace George, Your Conviction Will Live On.

*Please note, this video should not be viewed at work or around those sensitive to harsh language.

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