Friday, June 20, 2008


Over the years I have had people come in and out of my life... Some of these people have been closer than others, friends... Several weeks ago when I was in Germany I made one friend that has become very close to me. This morning, very early, when I got back from camp... There was a present waiting for me.

At first when I saw the package sitting there, I was trying to remember what I had ordered before I left. But then as I opened the box, I noticed that it was from someone else...
It's a Quaich, or as was explained to me by the included paper, a "Cup of Welcome". I love it... Recieving this cup though, has made me think about other friendships I have had over the years. Some of them I still maintain over the years. I wanted to take this moment to say, I appreciate you.. I appreciate all of you. Friends are something we should all hold close to us, something that I have come to value more and more as I realise what exactly a friend is.
So to all of you who have put up with me... I thank you for your patience, your ear, and your friendship. The times we have had in the past are treasured memories, and more memories we shall make in the future.

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