Thursday, May 8, 2008

Looking back

So I'm looking back on several nights ago, thinking about that card I had found in my pocket when I woke up. There was a website on that card, and yes... It was in German. But I do understand enough to navigate it and find what I was afraid might be there. I was talking about what happened with a bucket of ice, but now I don't need to leave it stricktly up to the imagination....

Left without a shirt, they made it up to me...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The one day off

Ok, so "mandatory fun" wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a nice time walking around the city, and it brought back memories from the time 2 years ago that I had walked the same streets so far from home.
The castle from far below, and because I wanted to explore more of the town this time instead of the castle, this is the only shot you'll be seeing of it. Though I'm kinda glad I didn't walk all the way up to it, as the part of my group that did said most of it was closed off for a wedding.
The birds let you get closer here then they do in NYC...
Not just to one god, but to three.
I wish I saw this every morning when I looked out my window.
Seeing as I've been loosing my mind recently... and especially today... This is all I'll be posting for the day...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Out on the town

So I went out shopping with several of our German hosts just after lunch today. It was a change to see the lighter side of Germany, mainly speaking of Baumholder. We didn't do much in town, but we did take a small rest break and got some "ices".

Eis Cafe, Icecream shop to do the most basic and widely understood translation. I had a Coke lite, and a Zitroneneis. Or, as I would commonly say... A diet Coke and a lemon ice.

It was a nice change in pace to sit back and relax, though I could only understand a portion of the conversation my companions were having. They did there best to translate what they could for me. All said, I'm having a good time here. I just hope that I will get to spend some more time on the town before I leave. Tommorow I should be able to get some decent pictures as it is "Mandatory fun" day. A guided tour of some castle or whatever... We'll see how that turns out and I'm sure I'll post up some more pictures after we're done there... Maybe I'll even get some souvenier shopping done, though I think I'll have some of the Germans we're here with take me to some of the lesser known places so I don't pay tourist prices.

As promised

And if my parents are reading this, it might be a good time to look away...

I said yesterday that I would post pictures of the events that made me a little sick yesterday. I got those off a one of my LTs picture phone. Not the best pictures, but that's probably a good thing.

Needless to say, the blindfold came after the half of bottle of Vodka that they poured down my throat after dancing on the bar with them...

And yes... that is her unzipping my pants, while I'm blindfolded and quite drunk... only to seconds later recieve a bucket of ice from what had to be behind the bar, and pour it down my boxers. I was cold... very very cold... I'm almost afraid to see if anyone else has better pictures...

From what people were telling me, I was quite a good dancer after this. But in all honesty, I have to take there word on it. I know I had a good time though, even if I had to pay for it the next day.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So maybe more then one

Ok... so today was a very busy day... And I decided maybe I would push up more then one picture today..
Now remember... Safety First...

One of the first antennas to catch my eye, not that big, but it looks neat.

Though I think this one is far more impressive...
Talk about a low shot... almost looks like it's hitting the wall.
I wish I could sit around all day like that...
This was kinda stuck out in the middle of nowhere...
I just think that truck looks cool...
Last but definatly not least... far up the offbeat path...
Just a little something from my trip, thought you all might enjoy.

Friday, May 2, 2008

One a day

Ok, so I've decided to try and have atleast one picture up on my blog per day. Now... I doubt this is going to happen, but I will do my best to try. I was wandering around the site today, the mission you can see at if you want a basic idea of what we're doing here.

Nothing too exciting happened today, but while I was walking around I did get to see one of the countries loose power and scramble to try and get there systems back online.

More tommorow...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Here and living

Well I made it to Germany. I think I forgot just how much I liked this country. As we were driving from the airport to the post, I saw something beautiful that I just had to share. So for those of you who actually read my blog...

Not too many stories for now, last night though I remember passing out at about 7pm local time... After being up since the previous morning, it was very difficult to stay up even that late.