Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The one day off

Ok, so "mandatory fun" wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a nice time walking around the city, and it brought back memories from the time 2 years ago that I had walked the same streets so far from home.
The castle from far below, and because I wanted to explore more of the town this time instead of the castle, this is the only shot you'll be seeing of it. Though I'm kinda glad I didn't walk all the way up to it, as the part of my group that did said most of it was closed off for a wedding.
The birds let you get closer here then they do in NYC...
Not just to one god, but to three.
I wish I saw this every morning when I looked out my window.
Seeing as I've been loosing my mind recently... and especially today... This is all I'll be posting for the day...

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