Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I took this morning for some quiet reflection upon myself. I realise that the life I live may not seem as boring as I had thought, but instead... I just don't see when something in my own life is extraordinary.

The other day I wrote about the random people I met on a long drive because of the impossible plane. Today I realised that this is just one of the things that seems so commonplace to me that I haven't actually thought about. For example... Within the past month, I have lit myself on fire (causing some pretty nasty burn marks), had some really fun times out with friends back home (a very extended lunch hour), Went to a Flogging Molly Concert, rebuilt several computers several times...

Looking at it, the list just goes on. I guess I view these things as every day things because something like it is always happening to me. (Yes... it's not the first time I've caught on fire.. this just happened to be the worst time)

Given reflection, it's good to have other people looking in at my life. Other people that I know care for me in one way or another, and sometimes, just give me that push that I need to see that I'm not as boring as I make myself out to be. And I know why I do it... I grew up with very low self-esteem. Anything I did, just never was anything that mattered. Until high school... I always stood out, the odd one among the crowd. I hated it... at the time. But looking back, as I have said many times, I am glad that I am what I was. I am happy that I made every decision I made, because that is why I am who I am today.

So take a chance, live that life you're uncertain of. You never know who it will make you tomorrow.