Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lost with me

I wander around these empty halls of my mind and see only memories lost with me. The life I've lead, the turns I've taken... I notice all I come with is memories of me. Several of you along the way have shared with me what I seem to be, unknown to what is being along. Lost in thought I wonder why all I have with me is memories of what used to be.

Ok... So I'll be honest. I sat down at the computer completely unsure of what I was going to write. I stared at this blank page, and started typing at the time what seemed almost like completely random words. And what you see above is the result of my random mind.

I am glad of all those people that have been along for the ride of what seems to be my life, but also at the same time I wish several of the people that are part of my memories would be part of my future. Looking to the future now I have started to realise that I no longer want just meaningless friendships, single serving I believe was the term used in the famed movie of Fight Club... but then again I shouldn't be talking about that I guess....


Willow Goldentree said...

I think that some single serving friends end up being there for a lifetime. We just don't realize it until that lifetime has gone through a few years with, or without, that person.

Charles said...

Just catching up on my blog reading a bit, and I noticed that you shut down your MySpace blog and started a new one here. Looks a lot better.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and say hi. Oh, and if you have any suggestions on a birthday present, we're still trying to figure out what to send you.