Friday, July 11, 2008


So I wake up this morning, and check my comments to my blog. I had planned on posting when I got to work, only to find that they had finally put a filter on our network. It's one that I will get around on Monday, but it did throw me off a bit.

The surprised part is when I realised that I had more readers than I had thought. I don't mind, and in short response to the comment. I read, a lot. I have more books on my shelf that I have read through so far, than most people have read in a lifetime. It's a curse of mine, I love reading... My love for reading all started when I first had a love for learning.

I remember the days when I was a little boy hiding in my room. I wouldn't sleep because I was in the middle of a book that had fascinated me. Most kids that time wouldn't sleep because they had a game they were playing with, or something of the sort. I lost myself in books. I lived in worlds that were not mine, but they became mine. Everyone there knew me, to the extent the stories allowed at least. To this day I still find myself getting lost in books. Lately it's been the "Incarnations of Immortality" series. I'm on the sixth and final book right now. My only disappointment is that after I finish, I have to find another series to read.

So I've been kinda all over the place with this post, but that's just the state my mind is in right now...

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