Sunday, July 13, 2008


So it's not every morning that I get as suprised as I was this morning... Most people that know me, know that I have to work one weekend a month ontop of my usual work schedule. This was that weekend.

The usual happened at home, My alarm went off... I hit the snooze button 3 or 4 times before deciding that I really did have to get up. I dragged myself slowly out of bed, and made my way to the shower for my morning routine. The water woke me, and brought me out of my trance that I had so earned from staying up so late the night before. I was now officially awake.

I pulled on my uniform, happy that this early I didn't have to pick out clothes, and got ready to leave for work. Looking at the clock I could see that I was already a couple of minutes behind where I wanted to be, but that wasn't any worry. I had planned the night before to be running behind in the morning, So I guess I actually planned to be on time. I grabbed my GPS off of my desk, because I don't drive anywhere over 10 minutes away without it as I would be without my current book. One that I was just starting to listen to this morning. "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. Now that I'm settled in my car, it is time to begin my usual 45 minute ride to work.

So I start the introduction to the book, driving the route that I really do drive almost every day, when I get suprised. If I wasn't awake before, I was now. A deer, I'm not too sure if it was a buck or doe, jumped out of the woods as I passed, and into my car. Specifically it jumped into the front passengers corner of my car. I was going about 35 Mph when I hit it, and by the damage done to my car when I pulled over, I didn't see how that deer would have lived through the matter. And secretly... I had hoped it didn't.

I know it's sinister of me to hope that it didn't live through it, but looking back on it an hour later as I write this, it would be better for the deer if it had died on the spot. It will die now, but unfortunatly somewhere far into the woods from internal bleeding. Apart from the deer's fate, was mine. Now I'm sitting here with a car that has an impressive amount of damage done to it from a simple animal. I just finished filing a claim with the insurrance company online, and am now waiting to hear from them. I think I'm taking off work today, and probably tommorow while I get the car looked at by a claim agent...


Willow Goldentree said...

Mr. Matt, I am so sorry. Light a candle for the deer that his/her future will be clear of pain.

Willow Goldentree said...

I hope you're better today. :)